Friday, April 15, 2011

Retired; interesting occuption

Retired; def dictionary; withdraw from action or danger; withdraw from ones occupation; to go to bed; withdraw from service.
I would like to have action in my life but maybe a little danger, my occupation is part of who I am; bed is for when I am exhausted and tired not life, I will always be in "service"!
So what is retirement???? What picture do I see??
Why should I retire?? Don't I have more to offer??
Need to think on this awhile.
I guess I was thinking of this after seeing the movie "RED" Retired and extremely dangerous! Fun, crazy adventure.
That is life.

1 comment:

  1. You've got so much to offer in any situation you find yourself. What have you always dreamed of? What recurring desire always pops up? Writing. Yes. Lots of writing. Find extended periods of time to just write. I see a book in you. Can wait for it to be published.

    My version of retirement only relates to the job I currently have. When I retire from CSULB I see myself embarking on what I want to do each day. What does that look like? My vision is to get involved in a ministry revolving around older kids and/or women's ministry. Something I've always wanted to do but haven't had the time or energy. Can one retire from life? I don't think so.
