Friday, May 13, 2011

Island retreat

Looking out over the water and tall trees on the island is soothing to the soul. My island of retreat reminds me of Prince Edwards Island "Anne of Green Gables". Green everywhere with tulips, wild flowers blooming and sweet scent of the ocean in the air. Where is your retreat??

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hand me another Brick! What can I learn from Nehemiah's life and apply it to my own?? A man of character, loving and obeying the Lord, taking on an enormous task with a stiff necked proud people.
Do I make my decisions after much prayer and fasting like Nehemiah? Do I confess my sins of pride and indifference??
this will be a time of restoration like the wall around Jerusalem/.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"If only"

Do we ever consider the choices we make in life and how they impact us or others??? God didn't make us robots but offers us His wisdom and grace to us. So even when we make those hasty spontaneous choices that get us in deep water He gives us Grace to swim thru or a way out. If only?? Have you ever said that, I have! But what are we going to do with the choices we make and then the "If only"??????
Any comments?