Monday, December 5, 2011

Snow bound days!

Time to think and reflect gazing out at white world with gray sky. Cold blowing snow and the need for a hot cup of tea with bible in hand. I would like to make a snow man but no boots-need to get prepared for Albuquerque winters. Daisy hopped thru the snow quickly and sliding on the patio-poor puppy! She acted liker paws were cold. New adventures in New Mexico.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Memories: sad and joyful

Memories flutter thru my mind; small boy with laughing face and fat chubby arms and legs, serious elementary boy asking serious questions, teenager sad and depressed! I loved that little boy, the serious boy and yes, even the sad teenager but would I wish him back here with turmoil and pain- I am not sure. I just don't want those memories to disappear from my mind and heart. He was talented and creative, loving and caring, quicksilver young man. I know he is in heaven peaceful and contented, singing and praising all day long. But the ache in my heart is still there and probably will remain there for years to come. Good nite sweet Joshua, good nite. love grandma

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Just finished reading an article on a "Disaster" and brought to mind what if??? We have had devastating tornados, floods and fires around the country this year. Do I have a plan???? I think with the fires so close to our home in NM I need to have a plan. What is important to me to save??? What do I do first??? I know we have a great God and He is in control but He gave us a mind and intellect to reason as well as pray.
My family, my pet is most important but what else?? I can't go on thinking that will only happen to another person or place.
any comments?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

down the rabbit hole

Have you ever felt like running down the "rabbit hole" or better yet have you felt yourself slipping down the "rabbit hole"???
How do you stop yourself from slipping down that hole??

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Have you ever thought about the term "inside/out"? Does it mean that the inside should really be the outside or is the inside out and really should be inside?
I have been feeling like my inside needs to be out- real and authentic. I thought I was in the past but I think I was trying to keep the inside safe and the outside for others to see-not the real me. But the older I get the more I am convinced the inside needs to be outside and show the real you. Now, one needs to be comfortable with the inside outside. That takes time and growth and trust! The trust comes from feeling loved and adequate inside! I truly feel this comes only with a solid belief and faith in God. The God who loves me completely, forgives me and was willing to sacrifice his son for me. The fullness of that love and mercy must emcompass my mind and heart. I am on that journey.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Darkness into Light

You have loved us with an everlasting love. You have taken us from darkness into light. May the light shine in me and thru me to others. May my heart be exposed to your cleansing and make me whole. My Lord, oh, my Lord help me pray as your spirit speaks to me today.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Island retreat

Looking out over the water and tall trees on the island is soothing to the soul. My island of retreat reminds me of Prince Edwards Island "Anne of Green Gables". Green everywhere with tulips, wild flowers blooming and sweet scent of the ocean in the air. Where is your retreat??

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hand me another Brick! What can I learn from Nehemiah's life and apply it to my own?? A man of character, loving and obeying the Lord, taking on an enormous task with a stiff necked proud people.
Do I make my decisions after much prayer and fasting like Nehemiah? Do I confess my sins of pride and indifference??
this will be a time of restoration like the wall around Jerusalem/.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"If only"

Do we ever consider the choices we make in life and how they impact us or others??? God didn't make us robots but offers us His wisdom and grace to us. So even when we make those hasty spontaneous choices that get us in deep water He gives us Grace to swim thru or a way out. If only?? Have you ever said that, I have! But what are we going to do with the choices we make and then the "If only"??????
Any comments?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

details and stuff

In our technological age it seems like things should move along more smoothly and with efficiency. Well, buying a house in 2011 is slower than "mud" moving! Every dot and period needs to be analyzed and inspected. I don't recall in our other house purchases we had to explain every deposit in our bank account! Thus the process is tedious and slow!! Here we sit waiting expectantly for the closing so we can get situated in our new home! HO hummmmmmm

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Humble pie

Well, the Lord knows how to get one's attention and change attitudes quickly!  I read an email from a missionary we know in Africa and her stories were really attitude changing!  I sit and complain about such non important issues or inconveniences and the rest of the world is dealing with the essentials of life; water, nutrition and oxygen.  I did learn all about that in nusing fundamentals and somehow lost my vision. 
My prayer is Lord get my attention anytime and help me to see with your eyes and hear with your ears.
Give me your heart!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life's disappointments

Well, we try to control our lives, set priorities, schedules, datebooks, all the current electronic devices BUT life happens!!!
Why not roll with the punches, surf the waves, take a nap, watch a movie-avoidance or deal with it! try a change of attitude easier said than done!
I took a walk and watched my dog excited about getting outside run and sniff the ground, leave her mark then turn and look at me expectedly! Like wow this fun. 
Get a new prespective like in the big picture of life how much does this matter??? Who is in control???
I need to regroup and pray!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Retired; interesting occuption

Retired; def dictionary; withdraw from action or danger; withdraw from ones occupation; to go to bed; withdraw from service.
I would like to have action in my life but maybe a little danger, my occupation is part of who I am; bed is for when I am exhausted and tired not life, I will always be in "service"!
So what is retirement???? What picture do I see??
Why should I retire?? Don't I have more to offer??
Need to think on this awhile.
I guess I was thinking of this after seeing the movie "RED" Retired and extremely dangerous! Fun, crazy adventure.
That is life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Starting Out

There has always been a desire inside of me to write my thoughts, write stories, adventures in life so thru the encouragement of a friend-I begin.
Looking back over my life reminiscing and reflecting about my travels.  I had lived on three different continents by time I was 13yrs old! But I didn't know any different as I was born into the Air Force life-no choice. 
I think it taught me flexibility, accepting of other cultures, and  desire to communicate with people.  Once when I was in the 8th grade I took a personality test to show your aptitudes for different career choices.
I have thought many times about that test and how the results have proven to be correct.
Now that I am in a new decade/season of life what direction will I go?  I know many of my friends are in the same place.  What influences our choices?? Finances, health, flexibility, fear..............